We Don't Need Heroes in Nigeria!

Our recently concluded elections,  as predicted,    turned out to be the most significant political event in Africa this year, so far! The victory of the President Elect,  General Muhammadu Buhari ( retd ) seems to have greatly boosted the national confidence of Nigerians in the entity called Nigeria.

The next part of this journey though, the way the new administration handles the expectations and anticipations of the people will greatly determine the direction of Nigeria's  possible reawakening. There are very high expectations for this administration and most of it are self - imposed. The average Nigerian has not experienced nor is he familiar with what a fully functional, people minded government looks like so, though some of these expectations are naive, they are from passionate Nigerians who hope that they would not be disappointed.

But this is where we all need to stop! Those who understand what is required of us now need to realise that the work has only just begun! From Nigeria's industries to our civil service. From the relatives of the incoming First Lady to the vulcaniser working at a dusty junction, Nigeria needs everyone to play their parts. We have celebrated notable personalities in various fields of endeavour in Nigeria but this is not the time of heroes.

It is time for Nigerians to realise that this is a special place in our history and take ownership of the tasks ahead. It is time to look closely at the things that divides us like tribe, ethnicity religion, age or even 'connections' again and make a clear stand against such divisions. This is the time for national and personal character building, a time for reorientation. If we can do this, then we are ready as a Nation to reach new heights that previously seemed unattainable.

If we all do what we all ought, if our newly elected government sticks to their own pre elections pledges and promises. If the Policing and the Judiciary systems work as they are supposed to and if that young bright girl whose mother sells roasted corn by the road can go to the University without her family plummeting deeper into poverty and indebtedness then who needs heros anyway?

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